
My parents are still acting chilly towards one another. I had hoped that they would be talking again, but my mother keeps skulking into my room for depressing conversations and my dad acts cheery around me and ignores her. If they wanted to find a way to effectively ruin my life, they've succeeded 100%. I mean, it's uncomfortable for all of us and I wish they'd get over themselves.

The interview was fine. It was an hour and a half - I met with 6 different people! Oof! The company and the atmosphere are nice - they pay horribly and they're located outside NYC which is not ideal, but maybe other things will make up for it. Everything was fine until my dad and I returned home. Then I felt all the resurgence of yesterday's bitterness. I miss my sister and wish she were here to take the edge off. But she only has access to her company email and I don't want to send her a message there whining about family politics. Still, I feel like I'm getting screwed just for being alive. Anything good right now in the way of family peace or job satisfaction would be a miracle.

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