
Today wasn't so bad. I left work at about 2 and pottered for much of the afternoon. I went to the Princeton Art Museum (rather nice, much larger than I expected, the collection has strengths and weaknesses -- one enormous Ellsworth Kelly canvas was absolutely ruined by having a huge glass screen shoved in front of it) and later to a local music store.

Then I went to a small outdoor square and began reading "North and South," which Katy gave me for my birthday. Even though I'm not a huge fan of books for birthdays (sorry katy, you know I love you, it's just the sad reality of me: I like pearls and diamonds on my birthday), I'm really enjoying this and I see why she thought I would like it. It has flashes of humour at the most unexpected points and it moves at a good pace.

Then I got food and came home. Now I'm mostly listening to Miles Davis (god I love Miles Davis, he's just so coooooooool) and checking listings on craigslist for a whole variety of things.

Despite being on my own, I've been talking to strangers a lot during the day -- people came up to me in the gallery and shared bits about their history with the paintings, and a girl working at the deli where I bought dinner told me about her horseback-riding ambitions...of course then some weird guy in a car honked as I walked home, which was both embarrassing and irritating.

Now I'm going to put up the volume and let Miles Davis croon me into forgetting everything I've thought or felt for the past few weeks. Sometimes it's nice to fall into oblivion of who you are when you wake up everyday.

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