
Let Me Tell You About the Time I Looked Into the Heart of an Artichoke

Very little to tell. Work is ok -- am wading along, and the house is consumed by constant, tiring drama, and my personal life is pretty lukewarm. So...life in Princeton goes on. The worst thing right now is the weather: it suddenly got freezingly wet and cold, and I'm frightened at what this portends for January. Mostly I'm trying to find a little peace and quiet, which isn't possible in a house of six people. I'm ready for something good to happen.


Anonymous said...

Adithi, why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a work at home mums site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'this post' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.

Katy said...

Dude, why are you so attractive to the work from home moms (or mums) set?! I'm glad to see you finally password protected. However, I'm so sick of seeing this post about the heart of an artichoke. Update or announce your goddamn retirement. ;-)