

Today has been vile. I came in early, only to discover that the incompetents in Accounting had suddenly discovered this morning that a large sum of money had been sent to the wrong person. Ooops! Anyway, after having major palpitations, my editor and I got it sorted out, but it jump-started the day in a most unpleasant fashion. After that, I frantically copied manuscripts to be sent out, gave myself the biggest cut -- really, I just sliced my finger off -- and generally felt like kicking something. I forgot a meeting, rushed in 10 minutes late, and even got reprimanded by some wretched woman (who cc'ed my editors in on the message! what gall!) for being behind on getting reports back to her.

What can I say, I've always lacked the will to get through times of distress. Right now it seems like nothing can go right; I'm getting emails right and left asking me to pick up where something fell through -- whether with the database, book orders, or contracts. I feel like telling everyone to fuck off. I mean, when can you decide it's officially a bad day? When bad things happen in succession, I have two options: either I can write the day off as being dreadful, or I can become some kind of Panglossian prat who runs around applauding my own own doom. And despite our ridiculous leader's speech during the State of the Union last night, I'd just like to say, "Hey Georgie, I'm ready to embrace a big, cuddly armful of pessimism right now."

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