
I should have posted ages ago, but I've been rather busy. Anyway, the long and short of it is that I got a job offer in Princeton, and I've accepted. It's so strange to think of myself living in the armpit of america (Jersey), but I guess you never know what happens. I'm pretty excited, although I met with one of my former supervisors on Monday and took her out to lunch. She gave me a lot of advice for dealing with my first job experience, and thoroughly shook me up. Also, I'm in the midst of apartment hunting, which is quite lowering, being that my salary is frightful and Princeton is on the ritzy side. I really hope I'll find something. Plus I have a ton of Spanish tests all of a sudden. Yuck. Everyone tells me that these 2 weeks before I begin are going to be so great and relaxing, but since I'm spearheading the whole thing on my own - first the job hunt, now the housing, maybe even a car - I actually find myself feeling totally overwhelmed and anxious. So really, the equilibrium is restored.

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